Friday, May 27, 2011


Was hoping to get out to hunt some tuna this weekend. Every thing seems to be against. Strong wind and big swell is on the menu for the weekend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spierre Free Diving Fins

I tore my calf muscle on my left leg about 5 weeks before the photo was taken. I would never be able to dive with plastic fins in such a short space of time. I still had my muscle strapped up but I felt no discomfort at all. You will see in the photo how the energy is placed at the fin. I was diving for 5 hours that day. The dock said that it will take up to 10 weeks before I can dive. Thanks to the Spierre fins I was diving up to 20m in 5 weeks.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

End of April in PE.

This time of the year we get the big White Steenbras along our coast line. I got a nice one of 13,64kg on video. It happens so fast. As the 1st big one came steaming in a second one made its appearance and my 1200 Rob Allen Spear gun did the job. The spear went right through its head and I knew that it wont pull out. All I had to do was to keep it of the rocks.